Monday, October 15, 2007

ACTEM Conference

I thought the conference was great! There was a definite atmosphere of excitement in the air (beside the raindrops!) The presenters were passionate about technology and how it could be used with students in the classroom. The presenters had great examples to share and I could certainly understand the relevance to classroom use. The first presenter gave us handouts with websites and examples of how to use the websites. Unfortunately, it was all done offline. The second presenter was excited about Marvel and how it could be used but she was offline for most of our time together. The third presenter showed us Google Earth which I tried to use last year in the classroom but was not able to because it was blocked.

The food was great, the crew from SAD 74 was positive, professional, and down-right fun to be with, and the prizes were awesome. My complaints are the usual - tech people (yes, tech people) speak in their own language of abbreviations and initials and so there were times that I did not know what they were talking about. The blog info was great, but we do not have the equipment to do it. I need time to experience what I heard about and that is something that you cannot do - add another hour to a 24 hour day!